Tranquility & Equilibrium

From fear to tranquility: The seal for a clear mind and a free soul

What is this tranquility we all wish for in life? Why do so many people feel it’s so elusive? Why do we let our troubled mind prevent it from us? These questions don’t just float on air without getting a concrete answer. The answer is clear, and more importantly – practical, one we can apply to start a change. Are you ready to make it easier on yourself?

Why do we find it difficult to be tranquil?

Tranquility & equilibrium are disturbed by fear, by impulse. Our soul is always urged to find peace, but then it is also afraid of losing it, at the same time. Who doesn’t really want to walk calmly through life? This precious balance keeps us at ease, enabling us to cope with what life throws at us in an efficient manner, one we can sustain.
It may seem simple: think positively and you will live a positive life. But even when a person decides to make a change that will better their mental state, it’s not as simple at all.
Anxious thoughts and worrying about the future is hard enough and consume us for years. By the end of the day, we’re lacking the confidence to pursue further. Even if we deepen our skills to achieve tranquility and replace negative thoughts with good ones, we still won’t be strong enough to face ongoing threats. We still find ourselves frozen from action, despite the recognition of good. Why is it so difficult then?

The secret lies with the experience of things

Teaching our minds to recognize the good isn’t enough to truly make a change. First, we must believe it is possible. We do that by experiencing life, not only by learning about them.

Bad experiences that happen to us overpower our senses. They deny us from feeling optimistic and act according to it. That way we distance ourselves from the very essence of tranquility.

There is an old saying: “One who imagines the future based on the past is a sinner”. Our past holds a great deal of judgment, a negative element that we shouldn’t carry with us to the years ahead. Instead, we must look forward with optimism & belief in the good to come. It is about learning from the past and greeting the future.

Neutralize your fear with the seal of tranquility

If we want to be at peace we need to stop being afraid of living our life. No more listening to fear or acting on its behalf. All and all, it is unreasonable that we limit our life because of it, as fear only brings illness, imbalance & antagonism.

It’s not our fault of course. We have grown accustomed to living beside our fears, but now we must develop a shield that would push it away when needed. The feeling of release that would follow is incredible, as being free from judgment will make more room for self-love.
When we love who we are we understand our purpose and regain strength – that is our legacy given to us by the sacred source – the wisdom of King Solomon himself.
It is a comforting thing to realize how strong we really are as humans, creatures who were made by the strength of the lord.

“Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever”

Psalm 112:3

Out of 44 different seals left to us by King Solomon and his infinite wisdom, the seal of tranquility is the one to create our inner peace and keep it.
The mystical codes that are embedded in the seal enable its owner to reconnect with the balance that holds any aspect of life. With this seal, we can leave the past behind and focus on our independent future.
Where does the present fit in? Well, right now is the time for us to embrace life, and simply enjoy god’s gifts to us.

Do you experience other difficulties you wish to untie?
Choose the seals that will change your life

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