The “key” to good health: A clear spirit & a clear mind will Evoke physical vitality

Our health is the key to our existence. When our health deteriorates, physically or mentally, our inner balance is lost, and the effect can result in a setback to our well being.
But, if we know how to turn the key right, we’ll learn how to cast away sickness and stress from our own temple, our body.
How is this possible? The answer lies ahead
Every person wishes good health for themselves, but the problem starts when we don’t exactly know how to define what strong health really means.
Many of us tend to lean on the effect of medicinal drugs and treatments that might provide temporary relief, but not a viable solution.
If we know what health relies on, we would get to the core problem.

What combines our health?

First, we need to address our health for what it is. It’s not a specific situation, it is a process of adaptation. It is our ability to adapt to life’s changing situation that forces us to clear something from within.

How can we implement this process on our own?

When our basic elements are inlined we are balanced, just like the fundamental elements of creation: Fire, water, Air & Earth. This is the link that controls our energetic formation, generating a healthy balance of mind and body.

How can we achieve a healthy balance?

“I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;
 I refused my heart no pleasure.
My heart took delight in all my labor,
and this was the reward for all my toil.

 Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
   and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun”.

 Ecclesiastes 2:10-11


These words are yet another revelation of the sacred source of wisdom, King Solomon’s wisdom. His writings were given to us as a gift, so we could learn from his own conclusions about life. The overwhelming understanding that these conclusions are as relevant now as they were thousands of years ago, is mesmerizing.
With these scriptures, we can too learn how to maximize our life to their fullest, with renewable healthy energy that drives us. This is how we activate the process of adapting to life’s ever-changing requirements.

Cracking the code to a healthy life

The base of it starts with Faith. It allows us to live without crushing doubts, through hope and positive energy flow.
Responsibility allows us to learn from the events in our lives and conclude with balanced thoughts. With it, we control our cognition and take full responsibility for our outcomes.

Comprehension leads us to analyze the information around us, and implementing it in our own doing.
Flow is our channel to receive the heavenly plan, which states that all that surrounds us was created for us. All we need is to just let go and experience life.

Immunity allows us to cope with balance and keep moving through life.

Implementation leads to truly living, acting on our will to change our life for the better.

The Process will direct us to achieve our goals, accepting the good and release the bad, out of compassion, patience & observation.

Intake vital energy with the Seal of Health

44 seals were given to us by King Solomon, each directed at the very problem it was designed to solve. The Seal of Health is the second seal of Mars, used as an effective protector against sickness and hurting. Engraved in the seal is the star of David along with the name of the lord. It is circled with the verse of John 1:4 “In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.”

The seal holds the mystical force of healing its owner by initiating the process of adapting to any situation that comes in their way.

All 44 seals are at your reach - choose the ones that you need most

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