Soure fundementals

Master your mental state like a ruler of your own kingdom

woman sitting on grass wondering

“The wisest man in the land”… what does this description of Solomon actually mean? Does it only concern his skills as a scholar? And most important, how can we obtain the same virtues that made him as such ourselves?

It is truly a fascinating thing, human mentality, a long-explored combination of our brain and mind that enables us to gain insight and wisdom, and build any kind of life we choose for ourselves.

“…There is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot. Who can bring him to see what will be after him?”

Ecclesiastes 3:22

In his great philosophical text, King Solomon directs his readers to do exactly that – use their free right to choose what makes them happy in their daily lives, to feed their mentality with creation and action as no one knows what would come after our body passes from this world. The emphasis Solomon puts throughout his writing in Ecclesiastes is that the true meaning of life lies in the way we nurture our mind and spirit, under the blessing of God who put it in us.

“Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun than to eat and to drink and to be merry, for that shall abide with him from his labor the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun.” 

Ecclesiastes 8:15

Think of how sensible and comforting these words of wisdom are as they point us to just be positive and enjoy life. It is a known psychological process that good mental health is the key to all other aspects that follow, like physical health, vitality, communication, relationships, success, peace of mind, harmony…

No one can tell what will happen in the future, and both pessimists and optimists reach the same place in the end, but those who see life with pink glasses enjoy their journey much more. Solomon spoke from miles of experience. As a man who devoted his life to learning and observing life’s lessons, he could appreciate the possibilities that came following, out of the art of listening, inquiring, and exploring. Solomon always surrounded himself with people of all kinds of knowledge and practices like shamans, scholars, healers and prophets, from them he acquired skills, traditions and talents which made him the sage and healer he had become.

Solomon had expanded his understanding in various aspects of life, sharpening his communication proficiency with both nature and humankind, looking deep into its soul, while developing unique healing modalities that combined the eastern & western worlds, the traditional with the modern.

His main discipline stood to reconnect the soul, the physical body, and the spirit, all united under the infinite presence of the Lord. Solomon’s faith and practice dealt with man’s free will and his ability to use it wisely, whereas when we are emotionally secure and mentally strong we strengthen our self-confidence and are free to follow our own purpose. And when one’s mental state is untangled from negativity and daily affairs, and their well-being is taken care of, it is easier to re-establish the natural flow of universal energy together with our intuitive intelligence. When we vitalize our bodily systems and stabilize our inner balance we enable effective healing and transformation.

Healing that withstands the test of time

Even centuries after his time, we as individuals from all over the world and from all religions and origins, still witness his unique and ever-relevant effects that teach us the true value of life.

This is Solomon’s ultimate legacy to us, together with his healing techniques that are utilized successfully centuries after his time, we are also left with the viable understanding that it’s all a matter of how we approach life, how we tilt our thoughts toward positivity and productivity.

God gifted us with the ability to apply all our senses combined with a curious head and a discerning heart to observe, experience and seek knowledge, as the most beautiful discoveries are often found in the margins.

“A free man thinks of death least of all things, and his wisdom is a meditation not on death but on life.”

 Spinoza, Ethica IV: Theorem 67

Tighten the bond with the divine, experience a true spiritual evolution that catalyzes a change>>