I am. I was. I will be: Aspire to create your own life

We come to this world as individuals, and grow up among others, collectively. This is how we are destined to live our life, rowing dynamically our rocking boat, sailing in changing waters.

Throughout this precious journey we encounter some aspirations that are shared collectively, but motivate our life individually.

Eight specific aspirations are revealed to us by the wisdom of the wisest of man, King Solomon. These aspirations revolve around our existence and invite us to create our own future. They draw the roadmap of our being, directing us to fulfill our core goals.
Let’s not be mistaken. These aspirations don’t sit side by side with our dreams and wishes. They are far more concrete and far more actionable – constantly reminding us to go get what we aim for, starting with an honest commitment.

The starting point of the Octagon of Aspiration, a visualized shape of 8 symbiotic elements, begins with “I”. I am responsible for my own life. I choose what I want to achieve for myself. I do in order to practice the path towards my goal.

Although we have the power to navigate the waters of our life, many of us feel the opposite. Some might feel they lack control, lack self-esteem & self-confidence to even try. Some want to find a partner in life but still remain alone. Some want to get accepted to a job they desire, but don’t succeed. Some are trying to expand their family and have children but have trouble impregnating. Some are desperate for regaining harmony and balance in life but lack the ability to experience it. These are just several setbacks people undergo that keep them away from their aspirations of the kind of life they see fit. They dedicate their intentions and activity to achieve it all, planning and executing, but getting farther from results.

Now is the time to Stop. Reflect. Change

The more we fail to fulfill our aspirations the more we are demoralized. We forget our basic purpose and are drifted through life, missing the strength to rise above.

At this exact intersection, one must pause and start inquiring deeper within:
What is the purpose I’m trying to fulfill? What resources do I have to invest? What have I lost along the way?

We first need to identify the core of our aspirations. It will use as a beacon of light to guide us through life’s challenging times. We must always remember that we hold the power of rethinking, reorganizing, and renewing in the midst of unpredictable and changing conditions. We are able to adapt to the present context in order to navigate our lives accordingly, and prevail with intensity & perseverance.

Regain control over your future. Start now

At a time we are increasingly surrounded by complete uncertainty, constant confusion, and fear of missing out, there must be a place where new seeds could be sparked, fresh perspectives formed, and extraordinary developments made.

Taking a daring dive into our searching souls can be an overwhelming decision, no doubt about that. But, you are not left unequipped in this situation. In fact, you can get actual tools to help you find your way amid all of that. How are they different from other everyday advice or disciplines? What makes these tools so special in the texture of our life? The answer lies in the miraculous life experience of King Solomon…

King Solomon Seals: Improve your present to shape your future

44 seals were forged according to Kind Solomon’s wisdom, sacred by the secrets of the old world. You may wonder, how could this ancient wisdom be relevant to us in today’s world?
Well, it’s true that the world outside has utterly changed throughout thousands of years,

but the world inside, our intellect and mind, has not changed at all.

The very questions that were asked in ancient times are the ones that conflict in us still.

King Solomon Wisdom captures life-affirming secrets that contain ideas about life, joy, tranquility, safe-keeping and harmony.

In today’s world, such wisdom and knowledge are not only relevant, they’re invaluable.

These seals are given to us as keys to unlock our unique capabilities, change our current life for the better, and pave the path to a brighter future, one that would align with our aspirations.


What do you want to fix in your life? How would you like to envision it? The 44 seals are here to guide you>>

 Achieve more for yourself – meet the 7 additional aspirations that shape your world>>

Any additional aspects in your life you wish to change, clear and resolve? All seals are available to you, generating fulfillment where there is a void. Choose here

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