Give room to the child you used to be, and find the person you aspire to be

We come to this world as children, and as part of a family that pours its ways, beliefs and perceptions into us. Many times we find it difficult to separate ourselves from the influences we experience growing up. We might struggle to have a clear, independent approach towards life’s challenges.

It’s only natural that we identify with what we’ve learned being a part of our family unit, the cognition and behavior we’ve adapted to, which greatly affects the founding aspect of our life. Aspects like having a sense of security, working our way through relationships, success in our line of work, a sense of belonging to something, and building our self-esteem.

Taking this into account, it’s always important to remember that we have the freedom to eventually choose our own path, decide where we want to take ourselves to and how we want to express ourselves, as a part of our personal development.

How can we trust our past to enable our future?

As children, we can’t detach ourselves physically or emotionally from our home because it is the source of our primal survival in this world. It provides food for our nourishment, clothes on our back, shelter and protection we can’t yet provide on our own.

Soon as we become adults our awareness of the ways of the world evolves and we recognize that what we’ve experienced as kids doesn’t necessarily match the outside world, even in part of it. Throughout life’s dynamic events we should always acknowledge that inner child and never separate our identity from it, because it would always have a part in our life. Accepting this will help us in coping with situations through experienced “adult eyes”, directed with the educated judgment of maturity, but also with the joy of our childhood sentiment.


When facing the big questions of life, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to take that early ground we grew from and channel that energy onto the people we want to become. Being able to see things with clarity and compassion towards ourselves is a wonderful feeling, one that proves how strong we really are, and how amazing it is to direct our life true to our own conviction, and no one else’s.

And then, the student becomes the teacher

Someday, we might become parents ourselves, trying to handle our children’s needs and desires while staying true to what we see fit. It’s inevitable that we glimpse back on our childhood and remember our personal experiences. it’s also quite certain that we could find ourselves speaking “in our parents’ tongues”, passing on educational experiences we absorbed as children. It is unnecessary to try and fight this off because it’s part of our identity, and it’s only natural that our past would meet us again in present situations.

We should try and find that silver lining between the children we were and the personas we are today – shaped and structured by the knowledge we’ve accumulated, our creativity, our ideas, our crossing opportunities, and our acceptance of who we grew up to be.

Aspire to live your childhood once again. This time do it in hindsight…

Our aspiration to live our lives as we see fit is the expression of Eight core Aspirations that are inherent to us from early creation. The tales of historical times that were shaped by the plan of creation teach us the ways of the universe, brought to us by the writings of the wisest of man, King Solomon.
Solomon spent his life accumulating infinite knowledge as he explored the depths of the hidden world, on Earth and beyond. With it, he opened the door to the secrets of life, both known and unknown. Through his studies and the mysterious experiences he had he succeeded in deciphering the meaning of life, discoveries that no man has done before. Their relevance today is astonishing, while those who are revealed to them are overwhelmed with their immense power of change.

This wisdom is truly timeless, and can be revealed to each of us. Being inspired by it can enable us to search within and find what we seek for ourselves, find our direction, our vocation, in order to make the most of our time here, without regret.

Focusing on our aspirations envisions our future, but we still need to start the change as of now. This invaluable opportunity is enabled by the sacred artifacts that offer this wisdom as tangible guidance: The seals of Solomon, forged from his ring, capture the codes to unlocking life’s meaning. They help their owners think and act without fear or anxiety, and reconnect with their inner strength to evoke change.

The 44 seals offer a true solution to the hardship we encounter through life, whether with finding mental and physical balance, finding love, being protected from harm, and having good health to maintain our fluent motion towards self-fulfillment.

Our time here is swift, choose the seals that will maximize it to your satisfaction>>

Achieve more for yourself – meet the 7 additional aspirations that shape your world>>

 Join our community and enrich your life with the mystical knowledge, exposed only to those wishing to see clearly>>

Any additional aspects in your life you wish to change, clear and resolve? All seals are available to you, generating fulfillment where there is a void. Choose here

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