Find out your true potential: inquire deeper to enrich your life immensely

We are all handed the gift of free will in life, a born given privilege to choose the roads we would like to travel and explore through our lifetime. This motivating desire is the basis that keeps our cogwheels turning, towards fulfilling our aspiration for a richer existence.

True, each person has their own individual aspirations, but each of us is still educated with information surrounding them, absorbing knowledge and skills taught by both external and internal factors, like our home and our environment.

The big questions that hover above are “how can we utilize our capability of choice to upgrade our life in a way that would nourish us with all that it has to offer? How can we take the factors that shape our being and create our rightful path? And equally as important – how can we create a solid strength that won’t break when we face obstacles reality puts in our way, and live a life without regret?”

The answer to these ponders already exists in us, but in order to implement a viable solution, we need to follow through.

Aspire higher - Study the ways that influence your journey

Our Spirations are expressions of the things we want to achieve in our future, may it be near or far. It keeps the movement that leads us throughout life’s adventures, positive and negative. This is how we grow bigger, smarter, more experienced.

The farther we keep exploring and processing diverse experiences in life, the farther our mind reaches, and opens us up towards abundant living.

The monumental persona of king Solomon shows how a life led by curiosity and knowledge can bring miraculous things in one’s way. Solomon’s great wisdom speaks of Eight specific aspirations, an Octagon of Aspiration, combined with 8 symbiotic elements that draw the roadmap of our being, directing us to fulfill our core goals.

Our ability to get ourselves to where we want comes down to our ability to comprehend and process new information. We, as humans, are able to learn new things and adapt to different situations. The more our mind is exposed to, the more quality we add to life.

How do we not only aspire to study, but act upon it actively?

When a child comes to this world they keep evolving as an inseparable process of their personal and social development. The rational that shapes our cognition, and the way we perceive life is highly affected by both our home and our environment. Our thoughts and motivations are the product of our parental education and the society we live in, daily.

So how can we take control of the process of our evolution to lead our life in a way that satisfies our own needs and desires? How can we use our free will to maximize our experience of life, one that answers our survival needs and our wishful goals?

Owning your journey starts with a well-fed body and mind

Psychological and communicative studies conclude that when a child’s basic needs are satisfied, including nutrition, health, shelter, love and security – they are available to address their curiosity and self-fulfillment. When a child grows up in a nourishing home, with loving parents, and a fruitful social interaction- they are free to expand their sense of self. this person is free to lean on their confidence and maturity, and face life with a vital outlook. This flourishing soil would enable us the moving wheels of motion and progress in life.

King Solomon identified this very revelation thousand of years ago: when a person receives the opportunity to experience a flow of motivators in their life they will, by default, achieve a more valuable life, more meaningful outcomes.

Positive, guiding feedback is the key to building solid self-esteem, which ultimately leads to a happier, more successful life. When our characteristics and skills are accepted and valued, whether individually or collectively, our perception of ourselves is elevated, and we can form a strong system of stimulators. When growing up having faith in ourselves, it directly affects how we cope with life situations and pursue our goals.

Anxiety out, curiosity in: never stop asking questions

We feel anxious when we are unprepared for something. Uncertainty can truly bring us down to a paralyzing state, but we mustn’t forget that many surprises in life also prepare us for the next. And so, equipped with food in our stomach, clothes on our back, emotional and social needs met, we are free to follow our curiosity and search for additional stimulations, ask questions and absorb more events, elements and phenomena.

This is a healthy, natural process that sometimes includes hardship and traumatic experiences, but it doesn’t mean we don’t learn from them as well. it might sound contradicting but it’s really not, because the things that rattle our life force us to be creative, and challenge us to find solutions that comply with our goals.

When we figure out who we are inside and what we want to gain in this life, we get a firm understanding of who we are, and how we fit in the cosmic plan. Revealing our true meaning in life is an addictive feeling, be sure of that. These moments in which we discover how we can be contributive in life, and how it can contribute to us – are priceless, and generate rejuvenating expectations to what is ahead.

Find out who you are supposed to be by seeing things clearly

The way to reach our future aspirations must start in the present time. Identifying what needs improvement in our life is the most important kick start to making a change. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as you may think, as you are given the tools to enable such relief:

The 44 seals of King Solomon were handed to us as a gift of sound judgment and sharp consciousness. Sacred artifacts that are forged with bible verses and angelic writing. The geometric shapes that are engraved in them symbolize the secret patterns that instruct us to reach to the top of our apsirations, practically.
Each seal holds the power to unlock its owner’s true self, without doubts or fears that prevent them from developing their life.

Do you struggle with health issues that keep you from having the ability to move forward? Feel that you lack balance in life and that you are heading a troubled course of living?

Do you wish to enhance the abundance around you?
To every problem, there is a designated solution, within each of the 44 seals.
Change your course and ignite the life you are worthy of living. Not tomorrow. Today.

What do you want to fix in your life? How would you like to envision it? The 44 seals are here to guide you>>

 Achieve more for yourself – meet the 7 additional aspirations that shape your world>>

 Join our community and enrich your life with the mystical knowledge, exposed only to those wishing to see clearly>>

Any additional aspects in your life you wish to change, clear and resolve? All seals are available to you, generating fulfillment where there is a void. Choose here

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