Aspiring to be in a relationship will expand your experience of life

Relationships…that’s a tough one, isn’t it? Many people tend to believe that, but the thing is – it doesn’t have to be tough.

Our nature, as humans, is to always seek to find new interactions throughout our lives, and discover other people who attract us for some reason(s). Being in a relationship is an existential need that comes in many forms, as it’s not a homogenous recipe that applies to everyone in the same way. It may be different from one another, but it’s constantly driven by several things we all share in common: a strong will to be together, personal growth, and a sense of meaning for our life on Earth.

Why do we struggle to find the right kind of relationship to complement us?

A lot of us feel that if they won’t find their desired partner then they are destined to live an incomplete life. It is without a doubt that being alone isn’t good for a person, but nonetheless, it’s as equally as unfulfilling to be in a wrong relationship, where you could feel alone as well.

The secret to a successful relationship is to first be in a good relationship with yourself. Self-love isn’t something that arises in you only after you find a match. Self-love is the spiritual basis of any person for living a full life, while finding a good relationship with another is only the result of such appreciation for oneself.

When two become one

Sounds like a cliche? Well, if you dig deeper, you’ll actually be surprised how genuine this phrase is, and how much it is valid in our life.
When we discover the things we love in ourselves and then search for them in other people, for the purpose of choosing a partner to share the experience of life – we seek the ones that are similar to us, ones that would share our interests and expectations of life. This shared common ground connects us to one another and eventually strengthens our similarities to our spouse. That is how we basically “become one” with our chosen partner.

You might think that it doesn’t align with the phrase “opposites attract”, but it really does. When two different people choose to be together they have to work hard to reach that common ground. Through their persistence, they learn to overcome the differences between them and discover the love underneath. This intense journey brings a great deal of personal growth that teaches us a lot about ourselves.
If you take two lovers that are very similar to one another, for that matter, you could argue that the thrill would soon be gone due to flat, unchanging dynamics. And where there is no hardship there’s no personal development, followed by an underdeveloped future.

It’s rational when you think of it – it isn’t healthy to be exactly alike, it isn’t healthy for both partners to be equally active or equally passive, in this case – the two would face only friction or numbness, instead of harmony.

Aspire to search what motivates you within. The right partner will come following

Aspiring for something is the energy that drives us in the course of our lives.
From the dawn of days, people have acted upon their aspirations in order to achieve the life they wished for themselves. Throughout history, we are revealed to what can be accomplished if we only put our mind and heart into it, into bettering our life, finding joy, strong health, companionships and abundant livelihood. This bundle of motivators functions as one of the keys to unlock the secrets of a life of happiness, wellness and prosperity, secrets that are untangled by the sacred wisdom of King Solomon.

The wisest of man, the one who knew the language of animals and plants, the one who could see the ways of the universe, so mighty and mysterious.
In his writings, Solomon tells us about Eight specific aspirations, the Octagon of Aspiration, a visualized shape of 8 symbiotic elements that draw the roadmap of our life, and direct us to fulfill our goals.

Nevertheless, these wishes of a thriving life cannot stand alone and wait for future things to come. It is our duty towards ourselves to practice the actions we do here and now, and make honest decisions to achieve what we aim for.

Aim higher for yourself - do it with a clear path

Life can be a complex path to travel, as we are constantly challenged by their hardship, facing difficulties we need to overcome. Many of us feel beaten down by traumatic events we experience, ending up feeling unworthy. Worthy of respect, success, safety, worthy of feeling belong – each connected to one another, each affects the other.

 So how can we keep on aspiring if we are in despair?

This is the exact point where you decide to make that change that would spark your life again with meaning and strength. Once you are ready to create your own life, you are given the tools that would help you transform it for the better, expand your friendships, enter a loving relationship, find a good livelihood, harmony and health.

These sacred “tools”, 44 seals that were left to us by King Solomon, are artifacts that endow their owners with great powers to begin their bountiful journey ahead, clearing their path with love and opportunities. The seals block harm and fear from impairing our ability to live our lives to the fullest, just as we are worthy of living.

What do you want to change in your life? How would you like to envision it? The 44 seals are here to guide you>>

 Achieve more for yourself – meet the 7 additional aspirations that shape your world>>

 Join our community and enrich your life with the mystical knowledge, exposed only to those wishing to see clearly>>

Any additional aspects in your life you wish to change, clear and resolve? All seals are available to you, generating fulfillment where there is a void. Choose here

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