Mystical Signs

The story behind the secrets of the mystical signs

 What are those mystical signs that have intrigued mankind from the beginning of time? Where do they come from and what great powers they hold that still prevail today, shaping our future on Earth? These indefinite questions were already asked in ancient times, let alone today. What hides behind the secret knowledge that is treasured in these symbols, shapes and proportions, such as the golden cut, golden triangle, and the golden flower? 

Have you ever wondered how is it that symbols like the Star of David, King Solomon’s Seals, Spirals, etc. are brought about to act as symbols for meditation, for enhanced consciousness, and as tools used in art and inside temples?

They all have the same source

When talking about these symbols and exploring further, we discover they all come from the same source – Creation. This is what makes them an inseparable part of nature, having a designated use, or function, just like everything else has its reason for existing.
So, if they are all applied to benefit those who use them, it certainly interesting to seek if there is a common vibration that activates them, one to which the brainwaves can adjust and reach beneficial meditation, healing, channeling, and Reiki. 
Along with the evolution of analytical perceptions, the need and desire for a holistic approach have risen. Both science and mystical wisdom are now entwined as “Holus”, meaning the entire universe, seeing mankind as a whole combination of body, mind, and spirit.


 This worldly approach is manifested in the New Age discipline of alternative medicine, leading us back into nature, to self-awareness, synergic approach, holography, behavioral studies, and various disciplines that combine the spectrum of human science.

Returning to the core

As we witness the western world gravitating towards the ancient eastern world, it is fascinating to see how things come together. If we take the human brain, for example, researchers are exploring the possible synergy between its two sides, somewhat of a merger between the left brain’s analytical perception and the right side of the brain, the intuitive part. This joint cooperation can lead us to enjoy a correlated function between the two sides.  If we can create a state of synergy between the two parts of the brain we can benefit from our consciousness much more, and apply holistic intelligence that links the physical, emotional, and spiritual.

From the 19th century onwards a great interest has grown in what we call the tradition of western mysticism.  In France, Elifas Levy was one of the main characters influencing the field.  At the same time, Westcott and McGregor established the “Golden Dawn School of Mystery”, Kabbala studies were accelerated as a major subject thanks to the “tree of life” and the practical way in which research can be done.  These “studies of the beyond” that were taught at school were connected to the paranormal phenomena, sourcing in the Kabbala.

The mystical proceeds to mainstream

Nowadays, in the 21st century, people are using geometric shapes as an enhancing experience in their personal process of development. By enabling ourselves to unify our consciousness, both analytic and spiritual, we can attain the goals that we set for ourselves.  Several researches examined the situation when people were looking at mystical symbols, and a physiological expression was shown in the brain, revealing a resonance with wide effects.
The educated conclusion was that these mystical shapes contain hidden knowledge locked inside, generating frequencies that make an impact.


Today, this subject is far more accessible and much more demanded than ever before.  In the past, the use of this knowledge was forbidden, considered as blasphemy or unrealistic, but today, the need to return to the holistic approach grows bigger with scientific progress.

Finally, those who are attracted to this knowledge and practices, following their free will and matching symbols along with a regular and systematic routine, may find themselves in a highly advanced spiritual development never experienced like it is today.

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